
February 13, 2018

Unit B Minutes of the Meeting January 2018

1/9/18 – ​3:34pm – 4:29pm
Attendees: Laurie McCaslin (JH), Devin Jorgensen (CL), Joan Normand (JH), Amy Rust (ECC),
Mary-Beth Morrissey (ECC), Ellen Jergensen (PH), Carla Chase (CL), Julie Fife (RPS), Lisa
Howe (DO)
Questions & Concerns:
ECC – question RE: 45 min hold and preschool set up different with time, covering teacher
duties on a Friday with no students – paid or not?
Covering VB para – not getting differential bc did not take data but performed everything else
Kelsey (MTA) – Explaining MTA’s support for $15 hr wage.
Union concerns for Supreme Court decisions coming down.
Informing our Unit of possible scenarios
Building reps were asked to gather Unit B members personal email address for communication,
as well as share the MTA info that was presented.

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