
August 16, 2022

Brand new Ice1andic De1 elizabeth gation, without a doubt, appreci ated t he fri end1 y emotions off E

Brand new Ice1andic De1 elizabeth gation, without a doubt, appreci ated t he fri end1 y emotions off E

ts regarding Austria, Greace and you will Turkey, within 1ts 143rd Meeting cn 30th Summer The decision concerni ng Ice1and had elizabeth nvi saoed a give out-of

C. An excellent

step one.5 mi11ion t o Ice1and f ar t he weeks J u1y-age date b1ocking Iceland’s qu ota i letter E.P.U. Brand new Counci1 got deferred cor.s ideration of t his deci s i towards. C.An effective. as well as the connection singles newest Managing Panel regarding Elizabeth.P.U. inside a great cknow1 elizabeth dging Ice1andls position given that an excellent structura1 financial obligation or, although Ice1andic Authorities got grave second thoughts as to whether or not the matter proposed wou1d be enough t o tide Freeze 1and aver the three days period for the trip ion. There had been two main reasons for this anxiety:- ( i ) (ii ) OvJing t o the brand new seasona1 chara(;ter of Iceland’ s exports, the period in question – and especia11y this new months out of J u1y and you can August – was a1ways particu1ar1y difficu1t getting Ice1and step one s ba1ance regarding money. New partia1 1ibora1isation from I ce1and step 1 s imports within the Apri had caused, nnd wou1d for some time in the future continue t O trigger, re1at1ve1y large imports of a lot products t hat got 1i bera1ised. It absolutely was fe1t this wou1d be diff 1cu1t t o f orete11 this new age xact count you would like.ed f or perhaps the bui1ding 1p regarding norma1 trading holds out of the newest products in question and you will, beaause out-of t he sood influence off liber nlisation, t the guy Icel andic Goverrunent could well be really re1uctant so you can ‘ has actually t o retract t hese steps. / / /

The newest Age

55 – step 3 – C /Meters (51) 27 ( Expert v. ) Howe observar, immediately after looking at the problem carefully, their Regulators got authorised the latest Icelandic Delegation t o undertake the brand new draf t finished within the paragra)h cuatro by proposition of your J oint Trade and you will money Commi ttee. This new Icelandic Regulators should do all things in its stamina t o create e nds meet wi thi n this new f ramewor k wh

t the Managing Board off E. P.U., brand new Age. while the Counc i l wauld, into the owed path, bring for the friendly c o ns l

rati o letter a credit card applicatoin t o l ift the blocking of the Icelandic quota for the E.P. U. Brand new Representative to your United states asserted that Elizabeth.c.Good. are grateful t ha t this new Govr=rnment_o.l’ Ice1and undertake ed brand new agreements envisa6ed regarding draf t Counc>l Decision in the Annex IV t o C(51)214. Within the detarmining t the guy f igure w

we ch tt had suitable for the fresh new interim credi t, the fresh Age. got an excellent t inclined to capture cautiously into account all of brand new considerations br need t o the notice by t he Member of Iceland. On such basis as expose we letter formation, E. C.A great. expected and you may bel ieved t hat thi s unique meantime credj t, we n combinati.towards wtth most other resour ces on di sposal away from

he Authorities out-of I celand, carry out show sufficient for the requi r age me personally nts. , naturally, stood in a position at all times t o review, t ogether wi t h brand new Mana ging Bcard, any demand one to mi ght go t o brand new Board contained in this connecti into, even when Elizabeth. wished this woul d not be necessari t o unbl ock the brand new quota. The CO\JNCIL ( l

You ) adopted t he dra legs Council endment in order to section cuatro prop osed by the t the guy J oint Exchange good nd Money Committee during the C(51)218.

ase mount t his layer to your minut (‘ f:l i::;su0d on 231 d..fuly, under.refe:ccnce C/M(5l)2B(Prov:.) COUNCJT, M we nu t parece o f t h age.=1:!litll_j:1

Anita Quinn
About Anita Quinn